International Sport Cooperation Group (ISCOG) is a non-profit association for social promotion, operating in the sports, aggregative, recreational and cultural sector with the following aims:
promote the growth, enhancement and international exchange of sporting values and national and international sporting events and activities, in all their many variations, also in connection with recreational and cultural activities and services in order to offer a integrated and multidisciplinary service of sporting, training, and solidarity value;
encourage and organize exchanges of cultural, artistic and recreational experiences between associations of a regional and local nature, with the same non-profit and social purposes;
develop and promote leisure and entertainment activities for young people, adults and the elderly with all forms and initiatives of an aggregative nature, including dance entertainment, parties, meetings and national and international events;
organize trips, stays, trips, events, meetings, parties, ceremonies, film screenings, cultural exhibitions of all artistic expressions, concerts of all musical genres, seminars, educational and training courses, conferences and local study and research conferences, regional, national and international, and any other organized activity in order to put the associates and other subjects in relation and to favor the exchange of information and experiences between them;
foster relationships and relationships with national and international associations and bodies that share similar purposes and inspirations.
to compete on the basis of the specific experience already gained by the members, to the full and effective realization and promotion of international events in particular aimed at master athletes, for which the members have already gained specific cultural, professional and organizational experiences, contributing, with different roles, to the full implementation of sporting objectives.
ISCOG is registered in the CONI register of Amateur Sports Associations with the N ° PIE-TO0948 and in the register of Associations with the N ° 3333 at the Municipality of Turin.