
                       Sports Association “INTERNATIONAL SPORT COOPERATION GROUP A.S.D.”.



Art.1 – With a constitutive act dated fifteen April two thousand and thirteen, in the spirit of the Italian Constitution and in compliance with the provisions of art.36 and following of the Civil Code is constituted, with head office in Turin – via R. Martorelli 8, an Association of social promotion, non-profit, operating in the sporting, aggregative, recreational and cultural sector that takes the name of “International Sport Cooperation group A.s.d.” abbreviated “I.S.CO.G. A.s.d.” or “I.S.CO.G.”. The Association can adhere to national sporting organizations and federations and can establish offices and sections in the ways and places it deems most appropriate to better pursue the social aims.

Art.2 – The Association is a permanent center of voluntary and democratic associative life whose activity is an expression of participation, solidarity and pluralism.  It has no profit-making purpose and therefore it is forbidden to distribute, even indirectly, profits or surplus funds, reserves, or capital during the life of the Association, unless the destination or distribution are not required by law. It proposes the following purposes

– to promote the promotion, growth, enhancement and international exchange of sporting values and events and sporting activities of national and international scope, in all their many variations, also in connection with activities and services of a recreational and cultural nature in order to offer an integrated and multidisciplinary service of sporting, training, and solidarity value;

– promote sports and amateur activities within the national territory, in order to share among the members initiatives related to cultural traditions, local or regional history

– to encourage and organize exchanges of cultural, artistic and recreational experiences between regional and local associations with the same non-profit and social purposes

– to encourage, develop and promote the leisure and entertainment activities of young people, adults and the elderly people with every form and initiative of aggregative character, even with dancing, parties, meetings and national and international events;

– organizing trips, stays, excursions, events, meetings, parties, ceremonies, film projections, cultural exhibitions of all artistic expressions, concerts of all musical genres, seminars, educational and training courses, conferences and study and research conventions of a local, regional, national and international nature, and any other activity organized in order to relate the members and other subjects and to encourage the exchange of information and experiences among them;

– to encourage relations and relationships with associations and national and international bodies that share similar aims and inspirations.

– on the basis of the specific experience already gained by the members, to contribute to the full and effective realization and promotion of international events in Turin, including the “World Master Games 2013”, for which the members have already gained specific cultural, professional and organizational experience, contributing, with different roles, to the full implementation of the WMG’s sporting and international objectives in concert with the bodies and institutions in charge, with a view to the dissemination and enhancement of the values of sport also in anticipation of the initiatives of “Turin City of Sport” and any other event of local, national or international importance corresponding to the general aims of the Association;To carry out its social activities, the association may also find spaces and equipped facilities, acquired by renting or enjoying other title, to be allocated for the exclusive use of members or persons indicated by them to spread social activities.

The association may also take over the management of recreational clubs, bars, games rooms, canteens, spaces to distribute food and beverages in general, including vending machines, local entertainment dancing and other always in accordance with the institutional purposes, both with the characters of continuity, with those of the temporary and seasonal. The association may also carry out activities of an editorial nature and distribution of periodical book publications and any printed or multimedia work, organize meetings, courses and seminars, and any other cultural activity related, ancillary or connected.

Art.3 – The duration of the Association is unlimited; the dissolution is deliberated by the extraordinary assembly with a majority of two thirds of the votes.

                                                                                    TITLE II – ASSOCIATES

Art.4 – Natural and legal persons and bodies interested in the activities carried out by the Association may become members.

The Association is composed of:                                                                                                                                  a) Founding Members, who are those who participated in the establishment of the Association;

b) Full Members, who are those who have requested to be part of the Association in order to carry out the activities envisaged by this Statute and whose application has been accepted by the Board of Directors or by a delegated member;  c) Honorary and/or Beneficial Members, who are appointed as such for particular merits acquired in the field of sport and culture. Their nomination, proposed by the president, shall be approved and ratified by the assembly of members.

All members of age have the right to vote. The temporary nature of participation in the life of the association is excluded. The membership fee or contribution is non-transferable and non-revaluable, pursuant to paragraph 8 letter f) of Presidential Decree no. 917 of 22 December 1986.

Art.5 – In order to be admitted as a member, each applicant shall submit an application to the Board of Directors, in which he/she shall indicate his/her complete personal details, with tax code, declaring also to have read the Constitutive Act and the present Statute and to accept them unconditionally. The qualification of member is obtained after the acceptance of the application and the payment of the membership fee, which will be determined by decision of the Board of Directors. The new member will become such with the registration in the appropriate register and will be able to hold social offices after one year. Underage members must submit an application for admission to the Association countersigned by the parental authority. The parent who signs the application represents to all intents and purposes the minor towards the Association and responds to the same for all obligations to the minor member.

Art.6 – The members are bound to the observance of the obligations deriving from the present Statute, from the regulations and from the deliberations regularly adopted by the Association, participating to the chosen activities, to the meetings and to the events promoted by the Association.

Art.7- The members cease to be part of the Association for:

a) withdrawal;

b) arrears, if the member has not paid the membership fees within the deadline provided for in the regulations;

c) exclusion, if the member, with his behaviour, is placed in conflict with the purposes and aims of the Association, or fomenting dissension and disorder among the members. The exclusion is deliberated by the Directive Council and ratified from the Assembly. the relative deliberation will have to be communicated timely to means mail to the associate. the excluded associate cannot be readmitted unless the exclusion is not due to the lacked payment of the social quotas; in such case he will be able to be readmitted, previous payment of the arrear’s quotas. The withdrawn or excluded member has no right to the reimbursement of the already paid dues nor to any kind of indemnity; the withdrawing member must however regularize any possible debt position. The members who intend to complain against the measure of exclusion resolved by the Board of Directors shall submit a written request, by sending it to the President of the Board of Directors, by registered letter with return receipt, within the peremptory term of thirty days from the date of receipt of the measure itself.

                                                           TITLE III – REVENUE – SOCIAL ASSETS – STATEMENT

Art.8 – The revenues of the Association are constituted by:

a) membership fees;

b) contributions, donations or gifts from members, third parties and public or private bodies;

c) any other income that contributes to increasing the social funds.                                                                        The membership fee or contribution is non-transferable and cannot be revalued.

Art 9 – The social patrimony is constituted by:                                                                                                                   a) material and equipment                                                                                                                                           b) all the other movable and immovable goods belonging to the Association.                                                        The movable goods, furnishings, equipment present in the social site at the date of constitution of the association must be considered of exclusive property of the Founder Members, who will draw up to this end a dated list, descriptive of the goods, a list that will become an integral part of the present statute.

Art.10 – The fiscal year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st of each year. It’s forbidden to distribute, even indirectly, profits or surplus. Any surplus will be used to improve the association’s activities. The annual report of the association must be submitted to the approval of the Assembly within six months from the end of each fiscal year.


Art.11 – The organs of the Association are:

a) the Assembly of Members

b) the Board of Directors;

c) the President;

The services of all members of the social organs are free of charge and honorary, except for the reimbursement of expenses incurred by members of the Board of Directors in the performance of specific tasks conferred upon them by the Board itself.

Art.12 – The Members Assembly is the highest organ of the Association. It represents the totality of the members and its deliberations bind all the members, even if absent or dissenting. The Assembly can be ordinary or extraordinary. The convocation of the Assembly, both ordinary and extraordinary, is made by posting the notice of convocation in the premises of the social seat at least twenty days before the day fixed for the meeting. In the notice of convocation, signed by the President of the Association, must be indicated the agenda, the place, the date and the time fixed, both in first and second convocation.

Art.13 – The Assembly, both ordinary and extraordinary, is validly constituted in first convocation if at least half of one of the members entitled to vote are present, while in second convocation, which takes place at least one hour after that fixed in first convocation, whatever the number of members present. The Assembly is attended by all members registered in the social books and in good standing with the payment of social fees.

The assembly deliberates with the favourable vote of the absolute majority of those present. Each member in the ordinary and extraordinary assemblies has the right to one vote. Representation by proxy is not allowed.

Art.14 – The assembly, both ordinary and extraordinary, is presided over by the President of the Association. The Assembly elects the Secretary and, where necessary, two scrutineers. The Assembly votes by a show of hands, by roll call or by secret ballot. For the election of the social offices, a secret ballot is usually held, unless the Assembly decides to proceed with another form of voting. The deliberations of the Assembly must be recorded in minutes signed by the President and the Secretary of the Assembly and collected in a special register numbered on each sheet.

Art.15 – The ordinary Assembly must be convened by the President at least once a year, within six months from the end of the financial year. The tasks of the Ordinary Assembly are:

  1. a) the approval of the annual report;
  2. b) the four-yearly election of the members of the Board of Directors;
  3. c) the annual approval of the President’s report on the activities carried out by the Association in the previous year.
  4. d) the discussion and approval of all topics that are the responsibility of the Extraordinary Assembly, submitted to its examination by resolution of the Board of Directors.

Art.16 – The Extraordinary Assembly is convened by the President whenever he deems it necessary. It must also be convened when a written request is made by at least haf of the members of the Board of Directors or by one fifth of the members. The Extraordinary Assembly deliberates:

  1. a) on amendments to the Statute of the Association;
  2. b) on the dissolution of the Association.

The Assembly deliberates with a majority of 2/3 of those present.

Art.17 – The Board of Directors is composed of three to five members, including the President, elected by the Assembly among the members of the Association, in good standing with the payment of the membership fee. The Board of Directors lasts four years and its members can be re-elected. The Board of Directors elects the President, the Vice President and the Secretary of the Association. In case of resignation of a councillor before the expiration of the mandate, the Board of Directors decides its reintegration with the first of the non-elected or by co-optation among the members. In any case the number of components of the Board of Directors cannot be reduced to less than three. The reunions of the Directive Council are called by the President every time he considers it opportune on application of at least the half more one of the advisers. It must, however, be convened at least every six months. The meetings of the Board are presided over by the President and are valid as long as at least the majority of its members are present. The Council’s resolutions are adopted by an absolute majority of those present. The voting system can be open or by secret ballot. In open voting, in the event of a tie the President’s vote prevails, in secret voting the tie entails re-examination of the proposal. Proxy is not allowed.

Art.18 – The Directive Council is invested with the widest powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration of the Association. It is therefore up to the Council, purely by way of example:

a) see to the execution of the resolutions of the Assembly;

b) prudently administer the Association’s assets and those held by the same for any reason;

c) Drawing up, applying and amending the Regulations;

d) to establish the membership fees and any extraordinary contributions for special economic needs;

e) deliberate on the admission and exclusion of members and on the application of the disciplinary sanctions provided for in this Statute and in the Regulations;

f) draw up the annual report,

g) establish any sections in other cities;

h) appointing any technical commissions, conferring assignments and proxies;                                                         i) perform all acts that contribute to the achievement of the social purposes and that are not reserved for the Assembly or the President.

Art.19 – The President of the Association has the legal representation and the social signature; he/she is elected/appointed by the Board of Directors among one of its members, he/she remains in office for a four-year period and can be re-elected/appointed. The President supervises the social activity of each sector, in conformity with the deliberations of the Assembly of the members; he/she convenes the Directive Council, he/she presides the meetings and he/she signs the deliberations; he/she signs the budget and the annual report to present to the Assembly; he/she convenes and declares the assemblies open. In case of necessity the President can supply in matter of competence of the Directive Council, except to submit the decision to the ratification of the same Council in the first reunion that must happen not beyond ninety days from the emission of the measure. In case of resignation of the President, the same one remains in charge temporarily for the ordinary administration.


Art.20 – The following disciplinary sanctions may be adopted against members of the Association whose conduct does not conform to the principles of sporting loyalty:

a) disapproval;

b) suspension;

c) expulsion.

The disciplinary sanctions are deliberated by the Board of Directors. The sanction of expulsion must be ratified by the Ordinary and/or Extraordinary Assembly of Members.


Art.21 – In case of dissolution of the Association for any cause, the patrimony must be devolved to another association with analogous finalities or to ends of public utility or beneficence, felt the organism of control of which to the art.3, codicil 190 of the law 23 December 1996, n. 662, except, in every case, different destination imposed by the law.

Art.22 – For all that is not contemplated in this Statute or in a possible Regulation drawn up by the Board of Directors, the provisions of the law and the Civil Code are observed.